- 整專醫字第000583號
- 外專醫字第006009號
- 醫字第038859號
- 群英整形外科診所主治醫師
- 台灣整形美容外科醫學會會員
- 台灣整形重建外科醫學會會員
- 台灣外科醫學會會員
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以實證本位(evidence-based practice )的方式,集結所有知識、技能和經驗,找出直接且到位的方法治療每位患者,是陳醫師對整形外科專科醫師天職不變的堅持。
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星期一 | 09:00-17:00(單) |
星期二 | 09:00-17:00(雙) |
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1. 減重後各式身體雕塑手術
Postbariatric Body Contouring
2. 內視鏡前額拉皮、中下臉及頸部拉皮、雙眼皮手術
Face and Neck Lift, Blepharoplasty
3. 手臀整形術、蝴蝶袖手術、大腿及臀部拉提術
Brachioplasty,Thigh and Gluteal Lift
4. 提乳、縮乳及隆乳手術、腹部整形術及抽脂手術
Breast Reduction, Lift and Augmentation, Abdominoplasty and Liposuction
1. YC Chen, Ian L. Valerio, CY Chien, SF Jeng. Pedicled mandible myo-osseous flaps combined with free skin flaps for reconstruction of complex lateral mandibular defects. Head and Neck 2012 March;34:384-392.
2. YC Chen, Johnson CS Yang, CH Hsieh*. Experiences with free-tissue transfer in head and neck cancer patients having coronary artery disease. Journal of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery 2012 July;Vol.21(2):99-106.
3. YC Chen, NC Tan, HI Lu, SC Huang, FF Chou, YR Kuo*. Wide composite resection of follicular thyroid carcinoma with metastases to sternum: Report of two cases. Asian Journal of Surgery. 2013 July; 36: 130-133
4. YC Chen, Huang EY, Lin PY. Comparison of gluteal perforator flaps and gluteal fasciocutaneous rotation flaps for reconstruction of sacral pressure sores. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2014 Mar;67(3):377-82.
5. Scaglioni MF, Kuo YR, Chen, YC Chen. Reconstruction of distal hand and foot defects with the free proximal peroneal artery perforator flap. Microsurgery. 2014
6. YC Chen, Scaglioni MF, Huang, EY, Kuo YR. Utility of “open-Y” anastomosis technique in the use of superior thyroid artery as recipient vessel for head and neck reconstruction with free flap. Microsurgery. 2015
7. Scaglioni, MF, Kuo YR, Johnson-C-Yang, YC Chen. The posteromedial thigh (PMT) flap for head and neck reconstruction: anatomical basis, surgical technique and clinical applications. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2015
8. PL Tsai, Scaglioni, MF, TS Lin, YC Chen. Combined subdermal pocket procedure and abdominal flap for distal finger amputation in a toddler. PRS Global Open. 2015
9. Scaglioni, MF, YC Chen, Yanko-Arzi R, Bickels J, Zaretski A. Upper Extremity Sarcoma Reconstruction with a Pedicle Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2015 Jul 28.
10. Scaglioni MF, YC Chen, Yang JC. Posteromedial thigh propeller flap for perineoscrotal reconstruction: A case report. Microsurgery. 2015 Aug 28.
11. Scaglioni MF, Kuo YR, YC Chen. A simple and effective technique to prevent twisting or torsion of pedicle in microvascular free tissue transfer. Microsurgery. 2015 Sep 14.
12. YC Chen, Scaglioni MF, Kuo YR. Profunda artery perforator based V-Y rotation advancement flap for total vulvectomy defect reconstruction-A case report and literature review. Microsurgery. 2015 Sep 24.
13. Scaglioni MF, Enrique Carrillo Jimenez L, Kuo YR, YC Chen Pedicled posteromedial thigh (PMT) flap: A new alternative for groin defect reconstruction. Microsurgery. 2015 Nov 26
14. Scaglioni MF, Kuo YR, YC Chen. “Rolled-Up Sleeve" Technique for Microvascular Venous Anastomosis in Head and Neck Reconstruction: Animal Study and Clinical Series. Ann Plast Surg. 2016 Mar;76 Suppl 1:S121-4.
15. NC Tan, HS Shih, CC Chen, YC Chen, PY Lin, YR Kuo. Distal skin paddle as a monitor for buried anterolateral thigh flap in pharyngoesophageal reconstruction. Oral Oncology. 2012 Mar;48(3):249-52.
16. Francesco M.G. Riva, YC Chen, NC Tan, PY Lin, YT Tsai, HW Chang, YR Kuo*. The outcome of prostaglandin-E1 and dextran-40 compared to no antithrombotic therapy in head and neck free tissue transfer: analysis of 1351 cases in a single center. Microsurgery 2012 July; 32: 339-343
17. Liang CC, Jeng SF, Yang JC, YC Chen, Hsieh CH. Use of anteromedial thigh flaps as an alternative to anterolateral thigh flaps for reconstruction of head and neck defects in cancer patients. Ann Plast Surg. 2013 Oct;71(4):375-9.
18. Tan NC, Lin PY, Kuo PJ, Tsai YT, YC Chen, Nguyen KT, Kuo YR. An objective comparison regarding rate of fistula and stricture among anterolateral thigh, radial forearm, and jejunal free tissue transfers in circumferential pharyngo-esophageal reconstruction. Microsurgery. 2014
19. Scaglioni MF, Kuo PJ, YC Chen, Lin PY, Kuo YR. The new innovation of the lower medial thigh perforator flap for head and neck reconstruction. Microsurgery. 2015 Sep 9